100 Words of Affirmation Your Husband Needs to Hear {Book Review}

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A couple of weeks ago, I had the privilege of reviewing Lisa Jacobson’s book 100 Ways to Love Your Husband, and my husband reviewed 100 Ways to Love Your Wife by Matt Jacobson. This week we are back reviewing the Jacobsons’ books. Check Out my hubby’s review of 100 Words of Affirmation Your Wife Needs to Hear here.

And without further ado.

Hubby and wife with 100 Words of Affirmation For Husbands

From the Back Cover:

Simple, Loving Words to Encourage Him Every Day

Every one of us has tremendous power to either build others up or tear them down through the words we speak every day, and nowhere is this more evident than in our marriages. Are you being purposeful in how you use the power of your words to speak encouragement, strength, and love–breathing life into the heart of your husband? Or are careless words negatively impacting your marriage and the heart of the one you love most?

Lisa Jacobson wants you to discover the powerful ways you can build up your husband in love with the words you choose to say every day–words every husband needs to hear. This book offers you 100 things to say to your husband that deeply encourage, affirm, and inspire him. Start speaking these words into his life and watch your husband–and your relationship–transform before your eyes.

Matt and Lisa Jacobson Books on Affirming Husbands and Wives

My Own Thoughts:

Our husbands carry heavy loads and face trials every single day. But our words hold power, the power to build them up and to affirm the good we see. 100 Words of Affirmation Your Husband Needs to Hear is full of phrases to speak to our husbands to let them know we love, appreciate, respect, admire, and enjoy them.

Throughout the book, Lisa Jacobson gives practical insight, personal examples, and easy illustrations of ways to affirm our husbands. Suggestions range from appreciating his character to his appearance to the things he does around the house.

I love that these are simple enough that I can use just one of these affirmations a day to give my husband a boost of confidence and improve our marriage. Plus, they are generic enough that they are easy to adapt to our own marriage while being specific enough to be meaningful to him.

Overall, I am finding that using these words is a great way to love my husband.

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book to review from the publisher. However, all views expressed in this review are mine from my own reading of this book.

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1 thought on “100 Words of Affirmation Your Husband Needs to Hear {Book Review}”

  1. Pingback: 100 Words of Affirmation Your Wife Needs to Hear by Matt Jacobson Book Review to Improve Your Marriage

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