How often do you, a busy mom, have a quiet time or devotional time with the Lord? Do you feel guilty if the time you do spend reading the Bible and praying is interrupted or shortened by your children? Do you get so overwhelmed with the idea of reading the Bible that you don’t even attempt to have a quiet time? If any of these are true, or if you just want to learn how to make your quiet time even better, read on.
What is a quiet time?
Simply put a quiet time is a time when you even as a busy mom quiet your heart and spend time with the Lord.
In some circles, a quiet time means an hour or more of time set aside for Bible study and prayer. While I love the thought of having an hour of quiet along with my Bible, my journal, and the Lord, as a busy mom, that isn’t my reality. In reality, this busy mom’s quiet time is often shorter (much shorter) and not nearly as quiet. Instead, I have found the important quiet to be that of my heart not that of the room.
[Tweet “I have found the important quiet to be that of my heart not that of the room.”]
Why have a quiet time?
With time at a premium, you may be asking, “Why should I as a busy mom give up some of my precious time to have a quiet time?” Friend, I have been there. Some days it is super tempting to leave my Bible on the shelf and get started on my endless to-do list. Some days, it feels like I don’t have any time to give to a quiet time.
But here’s why I have learned to choose to pick up the Bible, quiet my heart, and have that quiet time.
Like any relationship, our relationship with God requires communication. Having a daily quiet time is like having a set-aside time for communicating with God. Reading God’s Word allows Him to speak to us and teach us. Likewise, prayer is an important time for communication with God. Not only does prayer allow us to present our requests to him, but it also allows His still small voice to speak to us.
Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. ~Jeremiah 29:12-13
Moms need all the wisdom they can get to handle the day to day decisions, the challenges that arise, and the situations they must navigate. God’s Word is full of wisdom, and one of the best ways to gain wisdom is by spending time reading it. The book of Proverbs is entirely devoted to wisdom. With 31 chapters, Proverbs is a great book to read one chapter a day from. But, Proverbs is not the only place in the Bible you will find wisdom-wisdom is written on every page of the Bible because God himself is the author of wisdom.
[Tweet “Wisdom is written on every page of the Bible because God himself is the author of wisdom.”]

Do you ever find yourself needing a little pep talk to face the day? I know I need encouragement for the journey of motherhood quite often. When I am feeling particularly discouraged, I have a choice: I can either pick up my phone and scroll through social media and see everyone else’s highlight reel.
I can pick up my Bible and be reminded that my strength comes from the Lord, his power is made perfect in my weakness, and He will gently lead me.
The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him. ~Psalm 28:7
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. ~2 Corinthians 2:9

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Getting Started with Your Own Quiet Time
You may be thinking, “All that sounds great. I could use some communication from God, some strength for the motherhood journey, and some encouragement along the way. But where do I start?”
The reality is that there are gobs of different ways to have a quiet time. Plus, there are thousands of resources out there written to help with quiet times. But it doesn’t have to be intimidating. It doesn’t require any extras or any books purchased. It can be beautifully simple.
What do I need?
When it comes right down to it, a busy mom’s quiet time is simply about taking time to meet with God. Sure you can use additional resources, but just a willing heart and a Bible (even an app on your phone).
Materials I Use Most Days:
I am a huge fan of my worn paper Bible with all the markings and notations from the last six years, but my husband prefers to use an app because it reads to him. The best Bible to have is the one you will use.
[tweet “The best Bible to have is the one you will use.”]
As far as versions, my personal favorites are the NIV (New International Version) because it’s what I grew up with and used for Bible quizzing so it feels most familiar, and the ESV (English Standard Version) which I recently started using more when I do use an app. My favorite app is YouVersion. Again, just use what works for you instead of worrying about having the “right” Bible.
Pens or Colored Pencils
I love to underline key words or phrases and make notations in my Bible. Simple pens and twistable colored pencils work best for me because they don’t bleed through the page like highlights do. One thing I do that has been a blessing for me is to write the date next to my note. It is fun to see how a passage or verse impacted me at a certain time in my life.
The FREE printable below or a journal
Over the years, I have developed a pattern of what I look for and record when I read scripture during my quiet time. Typically, I have used a journal for those notes. However, recently I used that pattern to develop the “My Quiet Time Printable” so that I could share my method with you. In the download, I also include a page telling you what I use each box to act as a guide as you have your own quiet time.
Free Quiet Time Printable
When should I do my quiet time?
Short answer: When it works for you.
Look for ways it naturally fits into your days. My favorite time to have my own quiet time is in the mornings before the rest of the family wakes up. I started getting up early a couple of years ago and having that set aside quiet time really did change my life.
But there have been seasons of my life where I haven’t gotten up early for my quiet times. When I have a young baby who wakes often, when I have sick kiddos, or just when I have been overdoing it and need the extra rest, I allow myself to sleep until the children wake. When that happen, I look for other times to fit my devotional time in.
Sometimes that is during the little one’s nap. Sometimes after the children are all asleep at night. If the day is really hectic, I might put my Bible on the counter and read a verse or two while I cook a meal. Other times I listen to the YouVersion app and pray in the shower.
Where should I have my quiet time?
Sitting cross-legged on my bed. At 6:00 A.M. snuggled up in the chair with a blanket and a cup of coffee. Standing at the kitchen sink reading a verse card. On the floor with my back to the door to keep everyone out of my room. At the picnic table while my children play around me. In my favorite chair with multiple children joining me.
Each of those places is where I have met the Lord and had a quiet time with him. Once again, the important part isn’t a specific place, but the fact that you are putting in the effort to have a quiet time.
That being said, I have found that trying to be consistent with my place is helpful because the mind and body love habits. It is easier for me to quiet my heart and ready my mind if I stay consistent than if I switch locations every day. Therefore I have a spot (the comfy giant chair) that I try to use, but I also acknowledge that I may have to switch depending on what the day brings.
What should I do during my quiet time?
As a busy mom, my quiet time includes two main things everyday with extras added in when I have time.
The main things:
- Reading Scripture – even if it’s just one verse
- Praying – even if it’s just a plea for help
The extras:
- Worship music
- Journaling – Check out the free printable above for how I do it

How long should my quiet time be?
The important thing isn’t how long your quiet time is, but that you have time with the Lord. As a busy mom, some days your quiet time won’t be a long-drawn-out time. Instead, you might read a verse from a verse card as you rinse the breakfast dishes.
Don’t worry about how long your quiet time is, but on communicating with the Lord and learning. Whether you have an hour alone or three minutes snatched behind the bathroom door, God will meet you if you come to him with a willing heart.
[tweet “Whether you have an hour alone or three minutes snatched behind the bathroom door, God will meet you if you come to him with a willing heart.”]
How do I keep from being distracted during my quiet time?
Thoughts pop up, children need assistance, the phone rings. Distractions happen all the time. Some we can control or prevent, some we can’t.
One thing I do to help keep my mind focused during my quiet time, even with all the busy mom interruptions is to jot down those thoughts that invade. You’ll see the bottom box on the free printable (see above to get yours) is labeled “Random Thoughts.” That’s so that I have a place to jot down the thoughts that pop into my mind. Thoughts like, “I need to order some diapers” or “Maybe I should rearrange the furniture.”
As far as children causing a distraction…
When children are young, there are bound to be some distractions, but as they get used to you having your quiet time, they will become better about not interrupting. You can also encourage them to get a storybook Bible and look at it while you read yours. Or, you can include them in your quiet time by reading aloud to them.
Tips for Quiet Time Success
Make it a habit: The more often you do it, the easy it will become to do it. Try to do it at the same time each day if possible to help with forming the habit.
Put a basket together. Put your Bible, writing utensils, binder of printables, etc in a basket so that everything you need is together and easy to grab if you need to change locations.
Start where you are. Some books of the Bible are easier to understand than others. My favorites for beginners are John and Psalms. If you are familiar with the Bible, challenge yourself to read through the Bible. I learned so much from following a chronological plan like the one here to read the entire Bible.
Do quiet time in a way that works for you. Your home and family situation is unique. Use the creativity God has given you to make your own quiet time routine.
Don’t get discouraged. It may take some time before you find a rhythm that works for your quiet time. Don’t give up if you face distractions and interruptions. Just try again the next day.
One Last Thing about Having A Quiet Time
Just Do it. Even if it’s messy. Even if it’s shorter than you want. Even if you are overwhelmed at the thought. Just start, and it will get easier. Set aside the time, and God will meet you to communicate with you, to help you grow in wisdom, to encourage you.
Don’t forget to grab your FREE Quiet Time Printable.