When life takes you unwanted places, God's hand can still be seen. Five minute friday, Amy Juett

In the Unwanted Places

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When life takes you unwanted places, God's hand can still be seen. Five minute friday, Amy Juett

This week has found me in an abundance of places I didn’t want to be. Places I would not have chosen to be. Places I hope not to visit again anytime in the near future, and some hopefully never again.

What started out as a stomachache we thought was the rumbling beginnings of the stomach flu that has been going around our area, turned into much more. My husband complained a little of indigestion Sunday morning, but we attended church as usual, grabbed lunch as usual, and visited my grandma at the local assisted living as usual. While we were there, he started to feel worse. We made a fairly quick exit so as not to expose anyone.

The pain worsened all afternoon, and the vomiting started. Overnight he barely slept. Monday he had the main office cover his office’s work calls, and I did my best to keep a normal routine with the kids while keeping them quiet. About 2:00 we decided he needed to see the doctor.

And that was the beginning of being in unwanted places.

The doctor’s office. The waiting room of one hospital as he had a CT scan. Off to another hospital where a team was waiting to perform an emergency appendectomy. A surgical waiting area. A hospital room. A hospital couch for a bed.

And just when we were headed back to the place we call home…

His blood pressure skyrocketed, and we detoured to more unwanted places. The ER, the doctor’s office, back to the ER all before heading home. Only to end up back in the doctor’s office two days later with another skyrocketed blood pressure.

But tonight, as I type this, we are home again. Home, the place we most love to be. But as I think back over the week, I can see God’s hand even in the unwanted places.

I see His hand in the immediate opening at the first doctor’s office.

I see His hand in the surgeon who prayed with us before wheeling my husband into the operating room.

I see His hand in how well our four-month-old handled being lugged around with us as we went to all these unwanted places.

I see His hand in keeping the flood waters from taking out the only road to our home.

I see His hand in the answered prayers prayed by our dear friends’ children that our basement would not be flooded when we got home.

I see His hand…even in the most unwanted places.

Joining the link-up (rather late in the day) over at Five Minute Fridays.

Sharing is caring!

15 thoughts on “In the Unwanted Places”

    1. Rebecca~ That is a fantastic mantra. When we rely on Him we can handle much more than we’d have ever thought possible. Blessings! ~Amy

  1. Thank you, Amy! Its easy to see God when we are where we want to be doing what we want to do. But to see God in the unwanted places is to see that God never leaves us alone. It’s in the unwanted places that I rely completely on God. Knowing that without Him I won’t make it through. This is why we find ourselves praising God in the storms! Thanks for the great reminder, Amy! Love and prayers to you, Wibur and all your family!

    1. Janell~ Your words of wisdom are always appreciated. It is so true that God never leaves us, and we can always lean on him! Love to you as well! ~Amy

  2. Wow, what a time you’ve had of it recently, Amy! It brought back memories of similar for me.
    So glad you were able to know the presence of God with you throughout.
    God bless you and bring full healing to your husband
    Your FMF Neighbour #45

  3. What a scary few days! I, too, see God’s hand throughout your story! I’m thankful that hubby is on the mend and you all are back at your favorite place to be…home!

    1. Merissa~ Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. We are fortunate to not have flood issues. The roads are a mess, but other than we are pretty safe and sound here. ~Amy

    1. Jennifer~ He is almost totally recovered now, and yes, we are enjoying every moment of spring warmth and sunshine. 🙂 ~Amy

  4. Pingback: Before and After- Converting Attic into a Bedroom - Calamus Mom

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