Always more.
No matter how much we strive to do, there is always something else looming on the horizon. There is always something more we should be doing.
At least that’s what seems to be true if you Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, or even the mother next door.
Always more.
More cutesy crafts I should be doing with my children.
More healthy food I should be cooking for my family.
More activities we should be involved in.
More writing I should be doing.
More money we should make.
More stuff we should buy.
More elaborate housekeeping strategies and chore charts I should employ.
More, more, more.
And it is easy to buy into the lie that more will make us happy. That nagging lie straight from the mouth of Satan himself convinces us to be discontent with what we have rendering us dissatisfied with the very blessings God himself has bestowed on us.
But God doesn’t say we have to do all the things.
He says, “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)
God doesn’t say we have to strive for wealth.
He says, “But godliness with contentment is
So for today, I am going to practice saying “No” to the pressure of more so that I can rest in God and find great contentment with the blessings right in front of me.

So glad to be sharing this over at the Five Minute Friday Link-up.
How true Amy! We always succumb to the pressure of “more” in our lives. Thank you for the reminder that God calls us for contentment.
Thank you, Alice! I know withstanding that pressure and choosing contentment is a struggle of mine. So grateful for a God who draws us to peace.
Beautifully said. Even I wrote about my desire to write more; I ultimately want to write so that I point others to Him. It is so hard to battle wanting more with God’s wish for us to be content in Him. Thanks for this important reminder.
Mary, it’s definitely a battle for me too! Thanks for visiting and for your encouragement!
Great post, Amy, and sharp truths well-delivered.
You inspired a poem. I hope you like it.
I always sought the Lord to prod,
“I want MORE!” I cried with vigor,
“and if it’s not too much trouble, God,
how about faster, bigger?”
I said, “Life ain’t a fizzy parlour-game,
play-money woes and joys,
and after I die, when they read my name,
they’ll remember I had the most toys.”
And God above felt no surprise;
He knew the man He’d made.
He laughed till He wept, rolled His eyes,
as he saw through my charade.
‘More’ is ignorance, not simple greed;
we just don’t see it’s Him we need.
#1 at FMF this week.
Andrew, what a wonderful poem and how true it is! He by himself is enough.
I needed to read your words today! It’s true, there is always more we could be doing, or that we may feel we should be doing, but it is listening to God and what he wants us to do that really matters. Visiting from FMF #9.
Lesley, thanks for taking the time to visit. Listening to God is so key to know what it is we should actually be doing when the world tells us all the things we could do in a way that makes us feel like we should.
So much pressure! For more….to do more, be more, have more. Just all the pressure – I’m with you and learning to say no. Not necessarily to everything (or idea, invitation, etc) – but definitely to the pressure!
The pressure is so real, but there is freedom that comes when we say “No.”