In a moments notice that which is beautiful and life-giving can become a destructive force.

Two weeks ago on Tuesday night it rained. The skies opened up, and rain poured down—almost 4 inches of rain in a very short amount of time.
And Wednesday night it rained. The skies opened up, and the rain poured down again—almost 4.75 inches of rain in a very short time.
Eight and three quarters inches of rain in just over 26 hours. That kind of torrential downpour does damage. The pouring water tears the soil. The water rushing to make its way to rivers leaves trenches. Water seeps into basements ruining possessions. Roads wash out and bridges wash away.
As the sun rose Thursday morning, we could see water everywhere. Where our beautiful, gentle Calamus River previously meandered across the meadow, now swirling murky, angry water tore into the banks, dropping sod into the river, dragging rock from the road, flattening grass.
Thursday evening I stood on the eastern side of the Calamus watching the water rushing over our road, the only road to and from our home, as the sun began to set. I knew elsewhere in the county and surrounding counties, friends were evacuated from their homes. Some waiting to see if their homes would survive. Others surveying damage in their basements as they continued to haul buckets of water away.

And as I stood and marveled at the massive amounts of water, the water began to reflect the sun’s setting rays. In that moment, I was reminded of the beauty of water. The usual beauty of the river the brings peace to my chaotic mind. Water in nature delights us with its beauty in the form of gurgling streams, peaceful lakes, ocean waves, and more. The crystal-clear water we drink quenches our thirst and brings life to our bodies. Water can be such a thing of beauty, and yet, it can cause such destruction.
Just like our words.
Our words can bring life to those who hear through encouragement and blessing. Words spoken at the right time can revive the weary soul. Words spoken in the right tone can calm the fears of a child. Words spoken can bring laughter and jollity to an entire group of people. Words spoken about our own experiences can let someone else know they are not alone. Words can motivate us to be our best. Words can forge relationships.
But words can also cascade out our mouths digging gouges into the hearts of those who hear.

Words spoken in haste can crush a weary soul. Words spoken in a harsh tone can alienate a child. Words spoken without thought can cut hearts even if a few snicker at the punchline. Words spoken in judgment can carve a chasm leaving someone feeling utterly alone in their circumstances. Words can leave the hearer doubting everything she ever dreamed of doing or wondering if she’ll ever be good enough. Words can ruin relationships.
“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21
As I stood on the road looking at both the beauty of the water and the destruction it had caused, God tugged at my heart. In his quiet way, He brought these questions to mind:
Amy, how are you using your words? Are you building your family up with encouragement and blessing? Does your family know they can come to you and have you respond to them with words of grace and compassion, not anger and belittlement? Are you using the gift of words I have given you to speak life to your husband, children, and those who read them?
Friends, the words we say are powerful, oh so powerful. Let’s make a practice of doing as it says in Ephesians 4:29:
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
*Thankfully our house sits a ways back on the high side of the river so the water flooded the meadow on the opposite side. Landscape will be changed, but except for a little water in the unfinished basement, we are just fine.

Great post – and photos:) I love how God uses everything and anything to teach us lessons. To speak truth, rebuke and encouragement to our hearts. I am so glad that your home was spared damage and your family was safe.
Hi Jennifer! His lessons are everywhere when I just take the time to look and listen. We have much to be thankful for! Have a blessed day!